Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations for you at any time of day. Life is busy, don't let your mind be too.
8 minute meditation
This meditation is working with breath count and finding a breath ratio that works for you.
10 minute meditation
A slightly longer meditation focused on your root chakra for you find a sense of grounding in your day.
8 Minute Meditation.
This meditations works with mantra infused breath. Mantra's, better known as affirmations in the west, can be a powerful tool for reprogramming the mind and getting set up with positive intention for your day.
Intention is everything.
5 minute meditation.
This meditation uses breath ratio to deepen your presence. Your breath ration could be equal, breathing in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 4. Another option could be to lengthen your exhale, working toward an exhale that doubles your inhale. 4:4 then 4:6 or maybe even 4:8.